
Success Story - Claire Cannon

Claire was a strong rower until complications with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a genetic disorder, took her away from the water and her boat. She was bed bedridden, unable to go outside or to row. She was heartbroken. Almost giving-up, until she was introduced to Intravenous feeding (TPN) which meant "I have a piece of tubing tunnelled into my chest that runs through the vein and straight into my heart.” With the help of TPN, Claire was able to regain just enough health to get back to rowing.

Sharing Your MAKEACHAMP Campaign Online

Congrats, you’ve successfully built and launched your campaign. The next stage of your MAKEACHAMP campaign is to share it - the success of your campaign rests on your ability to leverage the power of social networks. We’ve done our research and collected 10 of the most effective ways to spread you MAKEACHAMP campaign online. And here they are:

Get over a cold/flu like a champ - athlete guide

In our mission to help athletes achieve their goals, we’ve some collected powerful and natural remedies to help you recover from a cold. So, you’ve over-trained and now you’re down with a cold plagued with a cough, sore throat, headache, sneezing but more importantly you are exhausted and weak. Time is ticking and your opponents are working hard. You can’t afford to let this virus get the best of you. Keep your head up, get your gloves on, we're going on the offence and attacking every symptom.