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 Tips & Tricks

A campaign description should be informative and captivating. But most importantly it should describe in a transparent manner what the funds will be used for. Here we'll walk you through a campaign description, part by part and also include an example.


 Start with your athletic career 


At the beginning of the campaign description, give us some basic details about your life, your sport and career.

Here is an example:

“Hey everyone, my name is David.

I am 21 years old and I have been doing judo since the age of 5. I started in Toronto and currently train with the National team in Montreal. I am a 2nd degree black belt with 8 national titles.”


Your dreams and aspirations

Your dreams and aspirations are your large missions that you are trying to achieve. Vividly describe these goals and help the reader feel how badly you want to achieve them. Try to sell them your vision and your dedication to it.

Here is an example:

“I’ve been dreaming of going to the Olympics ever since I was a little kid. I’ve watched friends and family members attempt but never achieve this goal. I’ve battled too hard and sacrificed way too much not to achieve my dream”


Current status

Tell your readers where you are currently in regards to achieving the major goals you described above.

Here is an example: “I’ve battled injuries but rejuvessary adjustments to my training and diet. Now I am stronger, and feel better than ever.


Reason you are running a campaign

Here is where you tell your contributors how they can help you achieve your goal. Explain to them how their support can help you go from your current situation to achieving your dreams.

Here is an example:

“This is where you come in. Making my international breakthrough will not be easy and it is definitely not cheap. I need to travel to Spain to compete at the 2013 World Cup. This trip will cost me 1500$ and currently, I am not able to afford it. With your support I will be able to travel to spain, compete and earn the points I need to make my international breakthrough”



List out your budget

Present a list of your expenses. Please be as transparent and descriptive as possible.

Here is an example:

The funds will be used for the following:

  • Transportation
  • Flights
  • Taxi
  • Bus
  • Accommodation (hotel room for 5 nights)
  • Entry fee (150$)
  • Food


Explain how much their support means to you

It is very important to tell your supporters what their support means to you. 

Here is an example:

“Without your help I will not be able to afford to compete at this competition. Unable to compete will set me further back from achieving my goal. Supporting me on this campaign will enable me to focus on my training rather than the finances. With your help, I will be able to represent you at the 2013 Spain World Cup, stronger and better than ever.


Tell people about your rewards

Your supporters want to join you on your journey to success. Giving them a gift will help establish that bond between you and your supporters.

Here is an example:

“Don’t forget to check out the rewards I am giving. I will gladly bring back a small gift from spain for any contributions larger than 50$. If you contribute more than 100$ I will build you a personalized workout and diet plan. Lastly, with a contribution of 500$ I will come and give a motivational speech at your company”


Say thank you and tell them to share your campaign on social media

Make sure that you are concluding in a positive and powerful manner. Don’t forget the call to action and a bit of gratitude.

Here is an example

“Thank you for taking the time to visit my campaign. Any contribution, big or small, is greatly appreciated. If you can’t contribute please share my campaign to you friends and family”