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 Success Stories

The goal is simple, get to Pan American games in Toronto in 2015 and qualify for Rio 2016 Olympics. However for Dan Devlin and the Canadian Handball team, the journey is not quite as simple. The challenges to achieve this dream are real. Handball is the passion shared among Dan and all his teammates.

However, handball did not catch in Canada yet. The results of a lack of exposure is a serious lack of funding. Beyond that, the teammates on the Canadian team all live very far away from eachother - making team practices nearly impossible. Isolated from eachother, the Canadian team struggles to find competition. The solution? Travel to europe where competition is hard and furious. This is exactly what Dan was raising funds for. He needed 1500$ to travel to Europe for a training tour. His supporters united together to give push his campaign to 125% resulting in 1870.00$ of fuding.

Check out his campaing here.