
Stéfanie Tremblay - L'Anatomie d'un champion

Suivez notre série videos "L'Anatomie d'un champion" pour les championnat canadiens de judo 2014! La vidéo de cette semain met en vedette la talenteuse Stéfanie Tremblay, une judokate canadienne de haut niveau. Restez à l'écoute pour plus de vidéo sur notre page Facebook et notre blogue. 

How to choose a realistic goal?

Here we’ll walk you through a procedure you can use to set a realistic goal for your campaign. Step 1: Calculate your budget This may require some research on your part, but it is critical for you to be precise with how much money you need. You can do this by listing out all your costs or expenses. Examples can be travel tickets, hotel, meals, taxi/bus, medical bills, training and equipment cost.

Sasha Mehmedovic - Anatomy of a Champion

Join our "Anatomy of a champion" videos series before the Canadian Judo National Champions 2014! This insparational weekly video features Sasha Mehmedovic who represented Canada successfully in the 2008 & 2012 Olympic games. Currently Sasha is the "Junior National Coach" at Judo Canada. Stay tuned for more videos on our Facebook page & our blog. 

The Public Thank You - Add Virality To Your Campaign

One of the most effective techniques that can help an athlete raise funds quickly and efficiently on MAKEACHAMP is connecting with their supporters on social media and giving them a "public shout-out". At first, not only is this a great reward it is also a powerful way to add virality to your campaign. There are many reasons to this such as it gives public recognition and showcases the success of your campaign. Below we will out line what makes a "public shout-out" so great! Here is what a proper "Public Thank You" looks like on Facebook :    5 Important...