
Fini les frais de plateforme

Nous sommes très heureux de vous annoncer que depuis le 4 janvier 2018, tous nos athlètes et équipes peuvent lever des fonds gratuitement.Fini les frais de services! MAKEACHAMP grimpe sur le podium et se positionne en tant que plateforme de sociofinancement dans le domaine du sport la moins coûteuse sur le marché.Le prix moyen pour pouvoir faire une levée de fond sur les autres plateformes se situe actuellement entre 8% et 20% du montant cumulé par l’athlète. En d’autres mots, un athlète qui amasse 1000$ devra débourser entre 80$ et 200$ pour payer les frais de service.FRAIS MAKEACHAMP VS FRAIS...

NCAA: None Can Argue Anymore, Crowdfunding is Permissible & Approved

.itemFullText ul li{ margin: 20px; font-family: 'Lora', serif !important; font-size: 18px !important; line-height: 1.5 !important; list-style-type: disc; color: rgba(0,0,0,0.95) !important; letter-spacing: .01rem !important; } On November 6th the The National Collegiate Athletic Association dropped a bombshell of an announcement for the crowdfunding community. On the NCAAs Legislative Database a series of questions were asked about prospective students using crowdfunding a year ago and the answer seemed rather convoluted however recently the NCAA posted a new set of rules and regulations which can be summarized, giving the method of personal fundraising (crowdfunding) explicit approval under guidelines : An athlete may set...

Introducing the MAKEACHAMP Organization Page

We’d like to introduce MAKEACHAMP’s organization page.A nonprofit sport organization is in charge of athletes in their sport and in their region. They have a variety of jobs that they need to fulfill including helping athletes with anything from paperwork to organizing trips. However, very often these organization are under funded themselves especially for the missions that are required from them. Organizations should also be promoters of their athletes and their sport. This is by no means an easy task. Promoting an amateur sport in a region that usually neglects such sport can a very hard mission. It requires funds...

MAKEACHAMP takes you to RIO 2016

MAKEACHAMP is created by athletes for athletes. We understand that it is easy to get swept by the preparation for the Olympic Games and forget about the funding needed to get there. However, we also understand that making sure you have enough funds available to travel for the competitions is just as important as making sure you are physically ready to perform. It has happened way too often that late in the qualifying season an athlete or a team will run out of funds and will not be able to make the qualification. For example, the Canadian women's beach volleyball team...