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 Mises à jour

After listening to some feedback from the athletes, we've revamped your MAKEACHAMP profile. We've added three things: a new cover picture, added social media links and also a posibility to add sponsors. Below is more information on why we decided to add the functionality and how you can benefit from it.


Adding a cover picture to your MAKEACHAMP profile can really benefit your campaign. Your action shots are captivating and can be used to grab the attention of the supporter. Besides that, a good cover picture shows you at your best - in action. Here is an example:



To add a cover picture you'll have to log into your profile and go to the settings - at the bottom of the page you'll be able to add a cover image. Then go back to your profile to adjust the cover image by dragging it up and down.



We decided to add external links to the athlete's MAKEACHAMP profile so that the athlete will be able to benefit from the exposure they get with their MAKEACHAMP campaign. We hope they'll be able to gain followers in all these social media channels. In the setting of the MAKEACHAMP profile, athletes are able to add links to their Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram. Once they add a social media page URL, an icon will appear above their name on their MAKEACHAMP profile which will lead people to the social media account they've added. 




We've noticed that many athletes had their campaigns sponsored by various companies. To help these athletes and also to help athlete get sponosored, we decided to allow them to add sponsors to their campaign. To read the full blog on this topic, click here