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Figure Skating Sponsorship

Figure skating sponsors may be those sponsors offering figure skating sponsorships to Olympic, professional or beginner figure skaters to help fund their skate endeavors and to contribute to skate clubs and organizations for the benefit of future skaters and the organizations they support.

Tax deductible figure skating sponsorships are beneficial to the corporation, smaller business or even individuals with an interest in the artistic sport of figure skating. Olympic skaters are sponsored by the corporations involved in Olympic sponsoring their Olympic figure skating team. Aside from the Olympic competitions, these skaters have competed numerous times and have sponsors to help promote them and in return they promote a particular corporation's product.

Another form of sponsorship aside from Olympic sponsorship is figure skating sponsorships on a smaller but still helpful scale. These sponsorships help skating arenas and the communities they live in by contributing to the maintenance of the figure skating arenas and providing a place for figure skaters to practice and the community at large to skate as well. This benefits the sponsoring corporation because dahserboards may be hung along the inside of the ice rink, banners may be hung on the walls of the arena and a logo may be painted on the ice, all to demonstrate loyalty and promote the sponsor of figure skating.

The type of exposure figure skating sponsors receive varies on the type of sponsorship those businesses or individuals provide. Some figure skating sponsors provide equipment that the skater wears and promotes in competition or through advertisement. Other types of sponsorship may be in the form of transportation to competition, lodging while at competitions, funds for the running of practices, up keep or practice venue and also for uniforms and skates.

Source: http://findasponsor.com


Figure Skating Crowdfunding

Besides trying to find a corporate sponsor, you also might want to give crowdfunding a try. MAKEACHAMP’s crowdfunding platform opens the sponsorship opportunity for everyone. This simply means that a crowdfunding campaign gives everyone with a credit card and a desire to help the chance to sponsor an aspiring athlete. An athlete sponsor doesn’t have to be Nike anymore, it can be now be uncle John, it can be your cousin, it can be your neighbor or even your best friend. Hundreds of athletes have successfully raised their funds on MAKEACHAMP and you can also. To join this success click here.