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 Tips & Tricks

Although online sharing is important, bringing your campaign to a physical level can have a great impact. This does not mean you should have a bake sale or a car wash fundraiser. Here are some things you can do to add a personal level to your campaign:

1. Set up your team

Take couple minutes at practice or while you are traveling and tell your teammates, coaches and everybody else that you plan on running a campaign. Once your campaign is launched, make sure you have 5-10 people that are prepared to share and contribute to it. Remember, you are more likely to succeed when you reach 30% of your funding goal in the first week.



2. Give your reward personally

Instead of paying money to send a reward, try giving the reward personally to the contributor. Doing so will facilitate a bond between you and the supporter. This connection will help you throughout your career. You can also ask yours supporters to distribute your campaign to their friends and family. Be sure to take a picture with your contributor and the reward, and post the picture up on your social media accounts.




3. Posters

Directly on your profile, you can print out posters. The best locations to hang these posters are your gym and training centre. Additionally, you can also approach various local businesses such as restaurants, medical offices and sports equipment stores to hang your posters.


4. Tell your coach/club

Your club and your coach want you to succeed. Although they can’t fund you themselves they can definitely help you spread the word. Ask the coach to announce to the club members that you are running a campaign and send out an email to the club members.



5. Tell Your Parents

Your parents can be one of your biggest resources in this campaign. Most parents would love to help you with your campaign, so give them a chance. You can print out the posters and give it to them so they can distribute the posters to their friends and co-workers. Furthermore, you can send them an email, which they can forward to their co-workers. They can also connect you with many more family members. In fact, there is nothing better than having the whole family united over your campaign.