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 Tips & Tricks

Congrats, you’ve successfully built and launched your campaign. The next stage of your MAKEACHAMP campaign is to share it - the success of your campaign rests on your ability to leverage the power of social networks. We’ve done our research and collected 10 of the most effective ways to spread you MAKEACHAMP campaign online. And here they are:

1. Update your campaign and communicate with your supporters

Directly from your profile you can update your campaign and all other social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Email. You can update your campaign in the box where you can add some text, pictures and videos. When your campaign is updated, an email will be sent to all your supporters. You can also publish your updates on the selected social media sources.

Update your campaign and social media frequently with various posts.  An update can be sharing your athletic progress, showing gratitude, or even showing off a result. Regardless of the type of update, you’ll tighten the bond between you and supporters. Adding a public element to this by sharing it on social media will make people want to join in and contribute. Make updating your campaign a habit and you’ll receive unprecedented results.

Furthermore you should also post this on other platforms that you belong on such as Tumblr, Pinterest, Google+, LinkdIn, which can all be used to increase the ripples of your campaign launch.



2. Email Marketing

We hope you’ve started sending out emails when you launched your campaign. The general rule is to try to get in touch with a contributor three times in order to get a contribution. Our system will help you keep track of the emails that you send. Those that did not contribute or did not reply might not have gotten your email. Do not hesitate to reach out to them for a second and a third time. You should give an equal chance to all your supporters to join your story. Also don’t forget to add the campaign link to your email signature. We have provided some suggested templates but please don’t hesitate to change them. Regardless of the responses you get, please always be polite and respectful with your communication with potential supporters.



3. Thank your contributors immediately on Facebook

When you get a contribution, you will get an email notification with the name of the person that contributed. The first thing you need to do is to connect with them on social media, if you don’t know who they are then find them on social media and add them as a friend or follow them. Next, say a public thank you to them by tagging them in your Facebook status.

Doing so will increase awareness about your campaign without looking needy. It will show your campaign as a successful one and lastly, it will give the contributor the public recognition they want. Here is more information regarding this.



5. Social Media Supporters

Not everyone can support you financially. However, we all have friends that spend a lot of time on social media, who have gathered thousands of followers or friends. Reach out to these friends and ask for them to help you boost your campaign into the “socialsphere”. You can also create an online contest to see who shares your picture (with your campaign link) the most - the winner of this contest can even get one of your rewards.



6. Twitter

Twitter is a powerful tool to create an online presence. Your MAKEACHAMP campaign will help you create an online presence but first you must demand it. Make sure that your friends with lots of followers are helping you by sharing your campaign on twitter. If you haven’t created your own hashtag when you launched your campaign, this is a good time. A hashtag has to be simple, meaningful and catchy such as #GoForGold or #GoDavidGo. Don’t forget to add your campaign link to your profile description. Lastly, thanking your contributors on twitter is also a great way to maintain a buzz around your campaign.



7. Widget

A widget is a small picture of your campaign that can be placed onto another website. You can access a piece of code, which will create this widget from your Campaign Home. If you have a blog or a website you can add this code to it and it will show a widget which people can press on to contribute. Next you can ask teammate, your club or organization to add this widget to their website. If you have any questions or need help with the widget let us know at 



8. Getting press

Directly from your Campaign Home you can keep track of the press that you are contacting. Research some local news stations, newspapers, magazines and even online magazines and add them to your list. We have added a simple template to the dashboard so you can modify it and send it out. With this email, in comparison to an email to a contributor, make sure to tell them more about you and your story. You can take segments from your description and paste them into this email. Nonetheless remember your writers and publishers want a story.



9. Getting a sponsor

Here is something very unique to MAKEACHAMP. We believe that your campaign can help you get sponsors. In fact, many companies are willing to get their logo on your MAKEACHAMP campaign and benefit from all the exposure they will get. In return, you can ask them to match contributions or even provide a perk. Get in touch with MAKEACHAMP at info@makeachamp and we will help you set it up.



10. Facebook event

A special trick that MAKEACHAMP have found to be very successful is to create a Facebook event for your campaign. Because not everyone sees your status updates, making a Facebook event allows you to send an invitation to all your Facebook friends. Furthermore, a Facebook event tightens the communication between you and your supporters by notifying all your supporters when you post on this event. You can also update this event page at the same time as you update your campaign. Don’t forget to add to this Facebook event page the link of your campaign, the campaign description and the rewards. If you need any help with this we will be more than glad to walk you through it, send us an email at  .



Thats our 10 tips to help you spread your campaign online! If you have any other tips that we have not mentioned here, you can mention them in the comments below.