
New features

As part of our mission to connect athletes and supporters, the MAKEACHAMP team has added new features to our website: Commenting Improvements To help establish a communication channel directly on the campaign, athletes with active campaigns can now reply to comments without logging into Facebook. As soon as someone comments on a campaign update, the athlete will receive an email notification. In order to reply, the athlete must simply log into their profile. Reward fulfillment and the contributors tab Fulfilling the rewards is essential to establish long lasting friendships with your supporters. To make it easier, we’ve added functionality in the contributor’s...

Happy Holidays

We want to wish you and your loved ones happy holidays. These holidays, we want to also thank you for supporting an athlete and believing in their dream. We hope that your act of kindness has been a rewarding one.

2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games

The Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games is only months ahead of us, and potential competitors are using MAKEACHAMP to fund their way. As we all know, the costs incurred by these Olympic hopefuls are tremendous, but MAKEACHAMP is here to equip them with the funds and motivation they need. When you are supporting an athlete who is hoping to compete at the Olympics, you are experiencing the challenges, determination, excitement and hopefully, successes too. Take an active role by supporting the athletes of your desire and join them in their journey of glory.

David Garmo

This week we are sitting in with David Garmo a BJJ practitioner from Michigan, USA. He has created a MAKEACHAMP campaign which reached 100% of its goal which allowed him to get a 2nd place at the 2013 Pan-America no gi championships in New York. This interview highlights his successes and struggles in and out of competition. We talk about struggling with injuries and how mental preparation is essential to success. Lastly, we also talk about the lack of funding for BJJ athletes and how MAKEACHAMP can help. Check out David Garmo’s campaign: http://makeachamp.com/DavidGarmo Check out the full video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veg1tM0pGnc