
6 Simple Tips For A Great Athlete Blog

A blog for an amateur athletes is almost critical to create their own audience and build a crowd. Below is a short list of advices we give to our MAKEACHAMP athletes to help them build a crowd before their MAKEACHAMP campaigns. This is also important when you’ll be trying to find a sponsor. Nonetheless, it is never to late too start a blog even for the simple reason that it is a great way for athletes to express their athletic journey and gather an audience around their athletic activities. That being said, it is important to be cautious regarding what...

How To Create A Crowdfunding Campaign for My Team

MAKEACHAMP's platform allows teams to leverage the power of crowdfunding for their fundraising needs such as travel, equipment and others. University of Quebec's Cheerleading team raised 15,000$ in three days for their trip to the USA (https://makeachamp.com/uqamcheerleading/1913). The Univesity of Laval Men's Volleyball raise more than 12,000$ in less than a week (https://makeachamp.com/rougeetorvolleyballmasculin/6110). Montreal’s Cegep André Laurendeau (https://makeachamp.com/alsports/13353) was raising 50,000$ for 11 of their sports teams. You can also join this success and raise the funds you need and here we'll outline the necessary steps to create your TEAM CAMPAIGN.  

Athlete Sponsorship - winning a sponsor with an ROI

Delving into the sponsorship realm might be overwhelming and confusing. Athletes think that they need to have incredible results or they need to be famous to get sponsored. The answer is that you can get sponsored without having incredible results and without being famous; however, you should be able to provide a company a return on their investment.

Promote Update - Powerful emailing system

Dear Champions, as you might be aware, the success of your campaign depends on your ability to gather a circle of supporters around you goal and campaign. As a result, we've added some extra horsepower into your MAKEACHAMP profile. Simply, by logging into your MAKEACHAMP profile, you'll be able to access a powerful email marketing system and update and share your campaign to Twitter and Facebook. Below is how you should leverage these tools to increase the chances of reaching your funding goal.